Saturday, April 19, 2008

Remembering my Beloved Little Granny, Bessie Stone Chaney, our angel now in paradise...

It has now been exactly 10 years since the death of my beloved 'little granny', as we so affectionately called her, from this mortal life and yet a day does not go by that I do not remember the times we shared, and the special moments [I'm crying as I strive to continue to type through the tears of joy and thankfulness] that we spent together in life. This photo is one of our last photos with her before she passed away on September 9th, 2000, and it remains one of the last photos that I have of her alive in this old system of things, and I have yet to cease from thanking my Father in Heaven, for giving me such a wonderful little angel to call my granny, she was such an inspiration to me, a shoulder to cry on, and an encourager all the way. She was, and I believe still is, a supporter of my military career, and often she would encourage me to 'press on' to continue on in military service, always striving to do my best, and thus she brought out the best in me and in all others whom she came in contact with. I am so grateful, so thankful to our Heavenly Father, Jehovah God, for allowing her to be my grandmother, He couldn't have picked a more select, noble, kind, God-fearing, loving lady to be my maternal grandmother than Bessie Stone Chaney, a choice daughter of His, and my angel. I am comforted by the thought that she is now asleep in death, awaiting the resurrection. I cannot wait to embrace her again in the resurrection in the New World, where death will no longer be able to separate us from each other, and where 'no resident will say, 'I am sick.'